The Orange County Convention Center’s (OCCC) Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) team works diligently to enhance the Center’s growing campus. Here are some of the highlights, including behind-the-scenes updates, that are happening at The Center of Hospitality.
North-South Building
- This project increased the load-carrying capacity of the existing freight elevators SF1 and NF3 from 12,000 pounds to 18,000 pounds to accommodate the weight of the lifts.
Status: The design phase of this project occurred in October 2022, with construction starting in November 2023. It is anticipated that this project will be completed in March 2024.
- This project replaces the carpet in the North-South Concourse and includes the addition of terrazzo flooring.
Status: Construction of the coverings replacement is projected to begin in July 2024. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by December 2025.
- This project is to replace the original carpet within the concourses and stairs serving the public areas of the second and third floors of the North-South Building. These floor coverings will be replaced with new, modernized broadloom carpet that will complement the style of the West Building and introduce hard surfaces with walk-off mats at entryways. Walk-off mats will also be added to service corridors coming off the concourses and meeting rooms.
Status: This project started the design process in fall 2022, with project completion anticipated at the end of 2024.
- This project will replace the existing operable walls.
Status: The design phase of this project occurred in July 2023 and was completed in December 2023. Construction of the will start Summer 2024 and is anticipated to finish in December 2024.
- This project includes renovations and upgrades of the meeting rooms in the North-South Building.
Status: The design phase of this project occurred in September 2023, and it is still being determined as to when the design will be completed. Construction is anticipated to begin December 2024 and anticipated to finish in July 2029.
- This project will replace the roof system, drains, lighting protection system and solar array on the North-South Building.
Status: The design phase of this project started in August 2022 and ended in November 2023. Construction started in December 2023 and is anticipated to finish in May 2026.
- This project will include restroom renovations along with associated finishes and building systems (i.e. HVAC, electrical, lighting, finishes and plumbing fixtures).
Update: The project is currently in the process of RFP bidding. The design and construction dates have not been determined.
- Status: This project is starting the design process in Fall 2024, with construction completion anticipated at the end of 2028.
- This project will upgrade and renovate the kitchen and food courts in the North-South Building halls, similar to what exists in the West Building.
- Status: The design phase of the project runs from November 2023 to July 2024. It is anticipated that construction will begin in March 2025 and finish in June 2026.
- This project updated the controls and sequence of operation for the North-South Building’s smoke control system, providing guest and users a much safer environment to host conventions and trade shows.
- Status: This project was completed in 2021.
- Complete replacement and expanded covered service area of the access control, proximity card readers in the North-South Building.
- This project has provided the users of the building a more secure, convenient and reliable access control system with many areas of the building on electronic access control that were not previously.
- Status: This project completed construction in 2022.
- This project replaces an old, antiquated building automation system to a state-of-the-art building automation system, allowing conditioned spaces in the North-South Building in a much more flexible, efficient and reliable fashion.
- Status: This project is in the commissioning stage with final inspections remaining to complete in the Spring of 2023.
West Building
- This project will add new access control systems for the West Building, and Buildings 12 and 13. There will also be an upgrade of the existing Access Control System.
Status: The design phase of the project runs from July 2023 to April 2024. It is anticipated that construction will begin in September 2024 and finish in September 2026.
- This project will include upgrades to the flooring, semi-spring stage and replace the acoustical panels of the Chapin Theater.
Status: The design phase of the project ran from July 2023 to December 2023. It is anticipated that construction will begin in September 2024 and finish in March 2025.
- This project will rehabilitate Exhibit Drive to Convention Way, and Convention Way to International Drive
Status: The design phase of the project ran from March 2023 to October 2023. It is anticipated that construction will begin in May 2024 and finish in September 2024.
- This project will remove the existing structure space located between West Hall D and E and renovate the exhibit hall space.
Status: The design phase of the project ran from September 2023 to February 2024. It is still being determined as to when the construction phase of the project will begin and end.
- This project will add a tasting room to the West Building.
Status: The design phase of the project ran from August 2023 to February 2024. It is anticipated that construction will begin in November 2024 and finish in June 2025.
- This project will include the installation of seven security guard booths at the West Building and North-South Building entrances.
Status: The design phase of the project ran from February 2023 to November 2023. It is anticipated that construction will begin in June 2024 and finish in February 2025.
- This project will replace the dry sprinkler pipe.
Update: It is anticipated that construction will begin in February 2023 and finish in January 2025.
- Status: The design for this project is completed and is currently in the bidding phase, with construction completion anticipated at the end of 2024.
- This project will provide five smoking pavilions across the OCCC campus.
Update: It is anticipated that construction will begin in February 2023 and finish in January 2025.
- Status: The design phase of the project began in February 2024 and will be completed in May 2024. It is anticipated that construction will begin in November 2024 and finish in May 2025.
- This project will replace all exhibit hall halogen bulbs with LED fixtures.
Status: The design phase of the project began in April 2023 and finished in November 2023. It is anticipated that construction will begin in May 2024 and finish in January 2025.
- This project will replace the existing DMS with new state-of-the-art technology on the 17 DMS signs throughout the Convention District. This project will allow the OCCC to better route the flow of traffic within the Convention District, by directing vehicular traffic in real time to the most appropriate show specific parking available on the OCCC campus.
Status: This project is currently in construction and is scheduled to be completed by Spring 2023.
- This project will replace aging infrastructure and controls for the lighting system throughout the OCCC campus. This will provide a state-of-the-art lighting controls system and replace antiquated relays and dimmers with state-of-the-art equipment. Through this project, staff will have much more efficient and flexible control of lighting throughout the OCCC and provide the ability to have LED lighting installed throughout the campus that will be accomplished on a separate CIP project.
Status: The design for this project is completed and is currently in the bidding phase, with construction completion anticipated at the end of 2024.
- This project will add and enhance CCTV cameras with analytics throughout the campus parking lots, pedestrian bridges, and Linda W. Chapin Theater in the West Building to provide OCCC Security with the ability to better measure and monitor the campus to provide a safe environment to conduct business.
Status: This project is currently in the bid process for a designer, with construction completion anticipated at the end of 2023.